Thursday, March 18, 2021

HELLO! This is the first post of our Wednesday Potluck Group

Given that we are stuck at our respective homes, unable to meet and eat, I thought we could try to have our usual dinner conversation here. Each week, we can discuss a topic of the week or any other thing that comes to your mind. To introduce a topic, create a post (by using the New Post button in the upper right corner of this page). Then people can converse about it by posting comments under the post. So - we can have multiple posts/discussions in any given week - similar to how we have multiple conversations going around the dinner table. The advantage of this forum is that you get to 'hear' them all. Let me know what you think of this web blog page design, the idea of this in general or other any other comments you may have about this idea in the comments to this post. I'll try to implement redesign suggestions. Please note that this blogspot tool is about 15 years old - this is why I can use it. But it may not be able to do everything we'd like. I'll do my best. I will kick off this week's potluck discussion in the next post. Hope you will join us online!