Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Losing focus

Mechanisms for coping with social isolation depend on personality.  This morning, I joined my first coronavirus zoom conference.  Strangely, it was a sing along with everyone but the guitarist on mute.  It made sense but still seemed somehow even more remote.  I've also joined a 75+ member mask sewing brigade.  It's good to feel useful and imagine that I'm part of something larger.  Perhaps we'll all get together for a group photo at some time in the future.  So far, I feel like an international spy - picking up my materials and instructions at a designated drop spot, wearing gloves to ward off polonium poisoning and a mask to hide my identity from surveillance.

A friend of mine has a teenage son, who wanted to connect with his friends so much that he wrote out several riddles, put one each in plastic easter eggs, and had his mom drive him around to his friends' houses so he could hide one in their lawn for a customized egg hunt.  The friends were supposed to solve the riddle and send him the answer in email.  So creative.

Another friend has started a series of facebook videos, in which she dresses up in a costume and presents a one minute message of the day.  These are everything from political jokes, to a new food pyramid featuring Oreos and snacks, to destroying a dollhouse with her crinoline skirt.  Crazy.  Oh, and a matzoh headband - I don't know what it was either, you had to see it.

Continuing on to our topic of food - I tried a seldom used scone recipe this morning.  They turned out edible, luckily, after I had to rescue the dough from 2 major baking mistakes.  I think I'm starting to lose focus.

How has your cooking been going lately?  Any disasters or successes?