Monday, March 23, 2020

Are you trying any new recipes this week?

Due to the quarantine, Bill and I are having to plan out our meals rather than be spontaneous each evening, deciding what to make or to go out in the afternoon.  Probably planning out the week is a better way to go on a regular basis, a good habit to start up.

This week, in addition to some of our usual fare, we're trying a new recipe for meatless lasagna.  I know someone made this as main course for at least one potluck but it's the first time either of us has tried it.  We'll freeze half the batch for later.  Here's a link to the recipe we're using.

In other news, I'm glad to have found a way to be useful (besides weeding the garden).  Friends of ours have just been able to return from Europe and are in self-quarantine - the kind where the county health department calls them to make sure they are at home.  So we (or more likely I) am going to do their grocery shopping for them and drop it on their step.  I tried to set up shopping online (where you drive up and pick up your stuff) but all the slots for that with local stores is already full.  We wear gloves whenever we go anywhere now, which isn't much of anywhere at all anymore.

Hope all of you are well!